Diversity and Inclusion policy
This policy has been adopted by Scandic’s Board of Directors, with the purpose of securing that Scandic conducts its business in a trustful manner and in accordance with laws and principles for a listed company. The Diversity & Inclusion Policy is a subordinate document to Scandic’s Code of Conduct. The policy is revised yearly, or more often if needed. The owner of this policy is the Chief Human Resources Officer. The operational responsibility for implementing this policy resides with all Executive Committee members within their respective area of responsibility.
Guiding principles
The mission at Scandic is to create great hotel experiences for the many people. Scandic recognizes that people from different backgrounds, with different knowledge, talents and experiences, bring valuable insights to the workplace and enhance the effectiveness and creativity in the way teams work together and meet customers and guests. Scandic is therefore committed to promoting a culture that actively values diversity and inclusion at all levels and gives all team members the same opportunities, to the benefit of the team members themselves, the guests and the society where we operate.
This policy is building on and supporting Scandic’s four Values: Be caring, Be you, Be a pro and Be bold. It is important that all team members share and practice these values in order for Scandic to have a culture where diversity and inclusion is present.
Scope, adherence and responsibility
The Diversity & Inclusion Policy applies equally to all team members, regardless of permanent or temporary employment. Scandic’s managers are responsible for ensuring that the content of this policy is communicated, understood and acted upon in their teams. All team members are required to read, accept and follow this policy for the full duration of their employment. Diversity and inclusion awareness is included in the On boarding training and it is integrated in the training for team members at Scandic.
All team members are responsible for treating others with dignity and respect at all times. Any behaviour that breaches this policy, whether explicit or implicit, will not be tolerated. Behaviour such as discrimination, harassment or bullying will be regarded as misconduct and may lead to disciplinary proceedings.
If an incident or violation is noted, every team member has the responsibility to immediately report the case to the closest manager. If that is not possible the team member must contact the manager’s manager. All necessary contact details, as well as information about how to report anonymously through Scandic’s whistleblower function, can be found on Fuse. For more information, please contact the Legal Department.
Scandic is regularly conducting team member surveys, including questions on diversity, inclusion and the working environment. The result is one measurement of how well the company succeeds within this field but also a source for further improvements.
Diversity is the mix of all kinds of aspects that make us people different from each other including but not limited to; gender identity, age, ethnicity, nationality, language, religion, culture, health, education, sexual orientation, parental status, union membership and disability. Scandic is promoting a diverse working environment with a variety of individuals contributing to the success of the company. The company seeks actively to select team members that mirror the society.
Additionally, for team members, the different types of individual working contracts, for example part time, extra personnel, etc., should never be a reason for discrimination. The terms for employment, including payment, shall be based on market practices and transparent criteria and never consider e.g. gender, ethnicity or nationality.
An inclusive working environment means that Scandic creates conditions for all team members to reach their full potential, to develop knowledge and to grow as individuals without fear of discrimination at any time. This way all team members can contribute so that Scandic reaches its goals.
Additionally, accessibility is a crucial part of Scandic’s work to create a more inclusive company. Scandic aims to be accessible for guests as well as team members by providing facilities and services that support special needs.
Development opportunities
All decisions within Scandic impacting our team members should be based on personal competence, merits and qualifications, and reflect the business needs of the organization. Scandic’s recruitment process also strives to promote diversity in the company. In order to give all team members the same opportunity for personal development, all vacant positions should in general be announced internally and interested candidates are encouraged
to apply.
Scandic in society
Scandic aims to play an active role in society meaning that the work with Diversity and Inclusion not only includes team members, but also guests and society at large. The company wants to contribute to a diverse society where the many people are included. Scandic will take part in facilitating and resolving societal challenges together with governments, local authorities, other companies and organizations.
Last approved: 2021-09-21
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