The confernce host that inspires others
Stifanos Bihonelgne encountered Scandic Fornebu in Norway on December 3, 2018. Today he works a Conference Host and is besides a world-class team member, an inspiration for people with disabilities.

How did you end up working at Scandic?
I first encountered Scandic on December 3, 2018, which is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. On this day, Scandic Fornebu and Norges Handikapforbund in Oslo arranged a work experience day to showcase employment opportunities for people with disabilities. I participated and a month later, Scandic offered me a one-month internship. Once I completed it, they hired me as full-time conference host at Scandic Fornebu.
What do you do as a conference host?
Everything conference hosts are expected to do! For example, I set up the rooms, keep them clean and tidy and make sure the coffee machines are running. I also assist guests with IT-related questions, restock cups and glasses, serve morning and afternoon taste breaks and provide people with everything they need to know about our hotel and services.
Scandic puts great effort into making its hotels accessible to all. Why is this so important?
Accessibility is the key to creating a more inclusive society by eliminating barriers that restrict people’s access to working and participating fully in society. The way we take care of our guests is the most important aspect of our accessibility initiatives, so it’s important to provide an inclusive environment for both team members and guests.
What drives you to get up in the morning and go to work?
Society’s attitude toward people with disabilities. I want to show how important we are – that we can all contribute since we’re as much a part of society as everyone else. My amazing colleagues are also part of what motivates me to go to work every day. And I’m going to keep it up so I can also inspire others with disabilities.