Yesterday, the worldwide Hospitality Awards ceremony was held for the seventh year in a row. The awards, which have twelve categories, are awarded to innovative companies and individuals in the hotel sector. This year’s award in the “Best CSR Programme” category went to Scandic. The hotel chain’s President & CEO Frank Fiskers and Vice President Sustainable Business Jan Peter Bergkvist were both in Paris to receive the award.“A Corporate Social Responsibility programme with the emphasis on environment, sustainable development, societal development and humans contributions” were the attributes most sought after by the Hospitality Awards jury in Paris. The Scandic hotel chain more than lives up to this.
“It’s stimulating to know that our sustainable development efforts are so appreciated worldwide. It’s vital for us as a growth company and is significant for the sector that these issues are regarded as a success factor. Our work of the past thirteen years has shown clear results in the shape of employee commitment, appreciation from our guests and considerable resource savings,” says Jan Peter Bergkvist, in charge of sustainable development issues on the Scandic Group Executive Board.
Scandic’s CSR programme
Scandics CSR programme embraces many areas. Scandic in Society: More than 500 activities in local communities and a number of joint hotel chain activities, such as 12 million cups of fair trade-labelled coffee a year, Nordic support to the fight against cancer through the Cancer Fund and help for children in partnership with ”Right to Play” in Norway. Accessibility: All about offering accommodation that is accessible to all. Scandic guarantees accessibility for disabled people in its hotels. Health: Guests as well as Scandic team members are offered the chance of a healthier life with, for example, a variety of healthy food alternatives. Our Environmental work got underway back in 1994 and comprises scrapping disposable packaging, KRAV labelled breakfast, Swan-labelled hotels and much more.
Yesterday the hotel chain was rewarded for its CSR programme.
“I’m delighted. This award is acknowledgement of our commitment to Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility,” says Scandic’s President & CEO, Frank Fiskers. “It’s simply smarter and better for our guests for us to be a part of the solution to society’s problems rather than contributing to them,” he concludes.
For further details of Scandic’s sustainability programme and Hospitability Awards, visit:
For further details please contact:
Frank Fiskers, President & CEO, Scandic, phone: +46 709 73 52 03
Jan Peter Bergkvist, Vice President Sustainable Business, Scandic, phone: +46 709-73 59 63
Martina Tengvall, Media Relations Manager, Scandic, phone: +46 709 73 50 70
Scandic is the leading hotel chain in the Nordics and with more than 136 hotels in operation and under development, consequently one of the largest hotel operators in Europe. With a keen focus on growth, we are actively pursuing opportunities to expand our network. A stay at Scandic is a step towards a more sustainable future − for our society and our environment. Nordic common sense.